Tri for Les: Idiot infected

My left foot.

In March 2012 it stepped on a rock and suffered a stress fracture. A couple weeks later it trudged through the Lavaman triathlon – which made matters worse.

In February 2013 it collapsed after running over 20 miles in the Ragnar del Sol Relay.

Now, after recovering from those two setbacks, going strong into these last two months before Ironman AZ in November, the problem dog is at it again.

Read about the latest development in the foot fight in my Tri for Les article: Idiot infected.

You’ll see how it was a part of a series of miscues by yours truly, and learn a few good lessons from my bad examples.

While you’re over on Tri for Les, check out another one of my recent posts: Running unplugged: Why I don’t wear headphones when I exercise, and how I still hear the music.