2020 Goals

The 10 big things I want to get done this year.

I’ve been posting my annual list of goals since 2013, and it’s featured Ironman triathlons, epic hikes, Rubik’s Cubes, reading, writing and arithmetic, to name a few.

This year’s list is a slight shift from many of my previous lists: I’m making habitual, sustainable behavioral changes more of a focus, rather than one-time, bucket-list style accomplishments.

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The Iceman Cometh or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the cold

My recap of the Wim Hof Winter Expedition Poland 2020 Week 1

I kicked off my big 2020 adventure in early January with something weird and challenging: five days of cold exposure training with living legend, Wim Hof (aka The Iceman).

I was one of 100 participants at the Wim Hof Winter Expedition 2020 (Week 1) in Przesieka, Poland. That means five days of breathing exercises, ice baths, cold hikes, meditation, exploration and general nuttyness. According to the website the workshop is “the ultimate Wim Hof Method experience.”

It certainly lived up to the hype. This post is a big recap of my unforgettable experience. Let’s begin with some background.

Continue reading The Iceman Cometh or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the cold

With best wishes to SRP

Big move, big break, and 10 takeaways from 10 great years at Salt River Project

Much has changed in the last couple months.

I moved out of my apartment and sold most of my stuff.

I quit my job at Salt River Project (SRP), where I’d been working for more than 10 years.

I left Phoenix.

And now I’m in Gdańsk, Poland, living out of a duffle bag, facing an exciting future that’s wide open.

This post gives some background on the big changes underway.

In addition, I wanted to reflect on my experience at SRP and lay out some of the big lessons I learned.

Finally, consider this post my way of sending a big THANK YOU to my friends and colleagues at the Valley’s community-based, not-for-profit, public power and water utility.

Continue reading With best wishes to SRP