Road to the MBA

Lessons learned from the application process.

Last time we chatted – back in January – you learned about my Awesome Bucket 2014 and the big plans I lined up to take down this year.

As excited as I was (and am) about those goals, there was something glaringly absent from that list: my one thing. It’s the most important goal of the year and takes priority over pretty much everything else on the plate.

Last year my one thing was to become an Ironman, and I sacrificed sleeping in, Filibertos, nearly all my free time outside of work and many a happy hour to make that dream a reality. (Read all about that glorious day in my IMAZ race report.)

When you get to the top of a mountain you have two options: head back down satisfied and keep reliving the moment; or quickly celebrate, learn from the experience and start looking for the next peak.

Continue reading Road to the MBA

Awesome Bucket 2014

My list of goals for 2014, broken down into the categories of Creative, Fitness, Travel and Awesome.

“Chemistry is, well technically, chemistry is the study of matter. But I prefer to see it as the study of change.” — Walter H. White

As we launch into a new year, change takes the spotlight for many of us.

We reflect on the year that was, look for areas to improve upon and dream about the changes we’d like to make in the future.

I’ve developed into somewhat of an obsessive, merciless, fanatical goal hoarder. As you’d imagine, New Year’s resolution season is an exciting time for yours truly.

Not only am I still riding the high from last year’s Awesome Bucket performance – a dominating 7/9 performance that left 2013’s head spinning – but I’m even more jacked up to keep the Awesome going in 2014.

Brace yourself: the word Awesome is used another nine times in this article.

What’s the point of the Awesome Bucket?

Continue reading Awesome Bucket 2014

Awesome Bucket v2013: Results

Analysis of my goals and accomplishments of 2013

This has been one of the most exciting, educational and beneficial years of my life.

And the main reason I was able to accomplish so much, is because I took the time to write down my Awesome Bucket goals at the beginning of 2013, and committed to following through in the 12 months that followed.

Setting the course early and posting them online not only set me on the right course, but it also helped me stay organized and accountable.

And for the most part, I was able to keep my eyes on the prize throughout the year. In June, I checked in with a mid-year report card, and now I’m following up with a final recap.

Read on to see my goals, the results and how much of my Awesome Bucket v2013 was accomplished this year.

Continue reading Awesome Bucket v2013: Results

Ironman Arizona: Conquered!

140.6 miles, 13.5 hours and one of the best days of my life

Adam Fuller, You are an Ironman!

“Adam Fuller, you are an Ironman!”

I had been working hard – training, stretching, studying and strategizing – for a year to hear that phrase announced over the loudspeakers at Ironman Arizona on Nov. 17, 2013.

As I plowed through the 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and 26.2-mile run, there were many times when I heard it pop-up in my head to keep me moving and motivated.

But when I turned down the final straightaway chute and sprinted to the finish line, I was in such an ecstatic frenzy to finish strong that I didn’t even hear Mike Reilly – the voice of Ironman – yell out my name as the latest member of the exclusive club.

Continue reading Ironman Arizona: Conquered!

Tri for Les: Idiot infected

My left foot.

In March 2012 it stepped on a rock and suffered a stress fracture. A couple weeks later it trudged through the Lavaman triathlon – which made matters worse.

In February 2013 it collapsed after running over 20 miles in the Ragnar del Sol Relay.

Now, after recovering from those two setbacks, going strong into these last two months before Ironman AZ in November, the problem dog is at it again.

Read about the latest development in the foot fight in my Tri for Les article: Idiot infected.

You’ll see how it was a part of a series of miscues by yours truly, and learn a few good lessons from my bad examples.

While you’re over on Tri for Les, check out another one of my recent posts: Running unplugged: Why I don’t wear headphones when I exercise, and how I still hear the music.