Awesome Bucket v2013

bucket at sunset

In my previous post, you saw how my passion bucket runneth over in excitement for the coming year, and learned about a smarter strategy to attack our 2013 New Year’s resolutions.

Well, it’s January and naturally, we’re geeking out at the starting line. The gym is packed, junk food is tossed in the trash and – after we’ve cleaned up and recovered from all the New Year’s Eve shenanigans – we find ourselves pointed in the right direction.

Showing up is a crucial step to accomplishing our goals for the New Year. And since we’re here, with full passion buckets in hand, we can check that off the list.

But the next two steps are the big ones: finding your one thing, and mapping out the routine.

Continue reading Awesome Bucket v2013

Dominate your 2013 New Year’s training resolutions


I hope you’re as excited for 2013 as I am.

For starters, we survived the Mayan-predicted apocalypse on Dec. 21, 2012! I even had some fun at work in the process, coming up with this Facebook post. You know how I’m always preaching relevant content? Nothing’s more relevant than the end of the world!

In the process of putting together my list of goals for 2013 – which currently includes becoming an Ironman, getting my scuba-diving and CPR certification, taking a Krav Maga class and volunteering once a month – it soon became clear how easy it is to get wrapped up in all the excitement and try to take on too much all at once.

I needed a strategy.

So I gathered a few tips on how to make New Year’s resolutions the smart way, and tied them to triathlon training strategy.

Read my latest post on Tri for Les and let me know what you think: Dominate your 2013 New Year’s training resolutions

Here’s to an exciting, productive and healthy 2013 – and to dominating those bucket lists!