Punk Rock Photography: ATM at the PV

Friday night, November 26, 2010, the day after Thanksgiving.
Dim lights on a low, cracked, white ceiling. A punk band from San Diego that just pulled up to the dingiest bar in Tempe, the Palo Verde Lounge: a legendary place that opens at 6am with $2 Pabst Blue Ribbons, well whiskey and other fine ailments. A lineup featuring The Poos, The Teets and headliners Ass To Mustache.

Best break out the wide angle.

I called on a 17-35mm / f2.8 rental from Tempe Camera along with my Speedlite 580 exii flash – and they delivered.

Continue reading Punk Rock Photography: ATM at the PV


Blue scissors, from Ikea, on my desk, from Ikea. The scissors are the only pair in my house. They’ve been used multiple times to open boxes, remove tags and tear through tape…many of which were also from Ikea. These are cannibal scissors. Do they feel a little weird about it? Sure they do. But sometimes you’ve just gotta cut. Don’t judge.

p.s. My microwave is weird too.

Microwave Camera Toss

This is my first attempt at the terrifying technique of camera toss photography. I took the photos below by turning off the lights in my kitchen, lining the tile floor with cushions, setting the shutter speed to about 5 seconds, aiming the lens at the digital display on my microwave and tossing my camera in the air repeatedly. Happy to say that my camera is fine after this session, but I’ll never look at my microwave the same again.

This shot is not technically a camera toss and more in-hand movement…still looks cool.

This one is a camera toss: multiple flips of the untethered camera.

See more microwave madness here.