Awesome Bucket 2018

My sixth annual list of, well, annual goals.

So far, the yearly Awesome Bucketing process helped me bring home an MBA, two Ironman medals, handstands, daily habits of writing and meditation, and a solved rubik’s cube, among other accomplishments.

To keep the Awesome Bucket momentum going, here’s my list of goals to ensure an interesting and exciting 2018.

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Awesome Bucket 2017

Key priorities for my annual quest for success

For the fifth consecutive year I’m publishing my list of goals for the year.

Laying them out like this holds me accountable, keeps me organized and hopefully helps others do the same.

Over the past four years I’ve completed 28 out of 39 goals, including: becoming an Ironman (2013), doing a handstand (2014), getting my MBA and almost straight A’s (2015), and traveling to China (2016).

After scoring my lowest accomplishment rate last year – 44%, but still a good year – I’m ready to bounce back and go after some big, elusive and fun goals in 2017.

Continue reading Awesome Bucket 2017

2016 Awesome Bucket Results

I shot four for nine and missed my one thing, but it’s OK because I learned something.

To improve we must watch ourselves fail and learn from our mistakes.

“One has to hurt, to go through a period of stress, a period of self-doubt, a period of confusion. And then out of that mess can flow the richest tapestries.” — Ed Cooke, Grand Master of Memory, in the book Moonwalking with Einstein

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Required Reading: Green Metropolis

Green Metropolis: Why Living Smaller, Living Closer, and Driving Less Are the Keys to Sustainability, by David Owen, should be required reading for anyone working or providing input in the transportation, city planning and energy – specifically, sustainability – spaces.

After finishing the book earlier this year, I wrote the author the email below to express my appreciation. I’m including my email here because it serves as a nice nice introduction and summary of my key takeaways.

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